Loan / Credit Cards

New Auto Loans

APR* Term
As low as 4.75% Up to 36 Months
As low as 5.00% Up to 48 Months
As low as 5.25% Up to 60 Months
As low as 5.50% Up to 72 Months ($25,000.00 or more)
As low as 5.75% Up to 84 months ($30,000.00 or more)

Used Auto Loans

APR* Term
As low as 5.00% Up to 36 Months
As low as 5.25% Up to 48 Months
As low as 5.50% Up to 60 Months
As low as 5.75% Up to 72 Months ($25,000.00 or more)
As low as 6.00% Up to 84 Months ($30,000.00 or more)

Used Autos: 2014 or older - 1% more than Used Auto Rates

New Motorcycles

APR* Term
As low as 5.25% Up to 36 Months
As low as 5.50% Up to 48 Months
As low as 5.75% Up to 60 Months
As low as 6.00% Up to 72 Months ($25,000.00 or more)

Used Motorcycles (2012 or newer)

APR* Term
As low as 5.50% Up to 36 Months
As low as 5.75% Up to 48 Months
As low as 6.00% Up to 60 Months
As low as 6.25% Up to 72 Months ($25,000.00 or more)

Engine = 1000cc or greater

New Boats / Recreational Vehicles / Tractors / Trailers

APR* Term
As low as 5.75% Up to 36 Months
As low as 6.00% Up to 48 Months
As low as 6.25% Up to 60 Months
As low as 6.50% Up to 72 Months ($25,000.00 or more)
As low as 6.75% Up to 96 Months ($50,000.00 or more)
As low as 7.00% Up to 120 Months ($75,000.00 or more)

Used Boats / Recreational Vehicles / Tractors / Trailers

APR* Term
As low as 6.00% Up to 36 Months
As low as 6.25% Up to 48 Months
As low as 6.50% Up to 60 Months
As low as 6.75% Up to 72 Months ($25,000.00 or more)
As low as 7.00% Up to 96 Months ($50,000.00 or more)
As low as 7.25% Up to 120 Months ($75,000.00 or more)

Signature (Unsecured)

APR* Term
As low as 9.00% Up to 36 Months
As low as 10.00% Up to 48 Months
As low as 11.00% Up to 60 Months

Loan amounts based on monthly income and credit worthiness.

Share Secured / Certificate Secured

Loan Type Rate Term
Share Secured 3% above current dividend rate Up to 60 Months
Certificate Secured 3% above current certificate rate Maturity Date of Certificate

Rates and terms are subject to change at any time.
Credit is subject to approval and is based on credit rating.
For more information, please call and speak with a Loan Officer.